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HTRI Design Manual: A Comprehensive Reference for Heat Exchanger Design

Heat exchangers are devices that transfer heat between two or more fluids at different temperatures. They are widely used in various industries, such as chemical, petroleum, power, refrigeration, and air conditioning. The design of heat exchangers involves many aspects, such as thermal performance, pressure drop, mechanical strength, fouling resistance, and flow-induced vibration. To assist engineers in designing efficient and reliable heat exchangers, HTRI (Heat Transfer Research, Inc.) has developed a comprehensive reference document called the HTRI Design Manual.

What is the HTRI Design Manual?

The HTRI Design Manual is the electronic document that summarizes HTRI's thermal design recommendations for all types of heat exchangers. It is based on HTRI's extensive research and development work in process heat transfer technology, which is captured in several hundred research reports. The Design Manual covers topics such as basic methods for single-phase pressure drop and heat transfer, condensation, boiling, two-phase flow, fouling, flow-induced vibration, and design guidelines for shell-and-tube, air-cooled, and non-tubular exchangers. The Design Manual provides the basis for understanding HTRI software results and contains references to research reports for detailed study.

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How to access the HTRI Design Manual?

The HTRI Design Manual is available to HTRI members through their online account. Members can access the Design Manual by logging in to the [HTRI website] and clicking on the "Design Manual" link under the "Technical Publications" menu. The Design Manual is organized into two volumes: Volume A covers general topics and Volume B covers specific topics. Each volume has a table of contents that lists the chapters and sections. Members can browse through the chapters or use the search function to find specific information.

Why use the HTRI Design Manual?

The HTRI Design Manual is a valuable resource for engineers who design heat exchangers using HTRI software or other methods. The Design Manual explains the calculation methods used in HTRI software, provides design recommendations based on HTRI's research data and experience, and offers practical design tips to avoid common pitfalls and optimize heat exchanger performance. The Design Manual also helps engineers to interpret and validate HTRI software results by providing relevant background information and references. By using the HTRI Design Manual, engineers can design heat exchangers with confidence and accuracy.


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