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Matrix Italian Movie Full Download Torrent !!EXCLUSIVE!!

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The movie's sub-title is "A Film on the New Science of Healing". The central claim of this science documentary is that a so-called quantum- physics body-field is intimately linked to our health and healing. The movie ends with expert Peter Fraser claiming that there is a "viable scientific theory" providing that link. Harry Massey, the film's executive producer, has acknowledged that the science does not exist (see Harry's message on the "infoceuticals" topic on the discussion page of the facebook user "thelivingmatrix"). Science is hard, but the existence of scientific research is very easy, and none exists to back up this claim.In many places, experts claim that quantum physics is the only way to explain how certain things work. Horsefeathers! I have deconstructed several of these in my review of the film on (note: 2 blog entries about the movie).If you watch this movie, make sure your finger is poised over the PAUSE button on your DVD player. If someone makes a claim you don't understand, pause it immediately and check it out. Part of the technique that documentaries like this do is to stack so many ideas in rapid- fire succession that you can't evaluate an of them.The expert statements are dubious, but the most smarmy of all is the narrator. He reads lines like:"Other researchers theorize that the heart may be the master organ for imprinting information into the body field.""The body's holographic body field is continually supplied with information via the pressure waves of the heart.""This control system is sending out information to the body via the body field."His lines are almost more convincing than the experts, because he says the things that "everyone" knows. Mr. Narrator's claims are just as dubious -- if not more dubious -- than any that the experts say.The emperor wears no clothes, but work awfully hard to convince you that he does. That's why I give it 1 star.

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Morpheus is recast as well in Matrix 4 with Candyman flavour-of-the-moment Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, and the switch is similarly disastrous--this time less for performance reasons than for a script that has him vacillating between self-aware jokester "recycling the old hits" when he says Fishburne's lines in Fishburne's cadence, CGI construct comprising thousands of tiny robots in the "real" world, and Django Unchained dandy dressing himself for the first time. The script jumps around like this, indicating that it knows what it is, making a joke at its own expense, plodding along awkwardly like a newborn fawn with a bad habit of talking in uninterrupted five-minute chunks. The new F/X "innovation" for Matrix 4 is "bullet time." I know you're thinking to yourself, "The old man's gone around the bend at last, he already mentioned bullet time!" But now it refers to The Analyst putting Neo in slow-motion so The Analyst can blather on in peace. That's right: there are scenes in this film where Doogie Howser says words as Keanu Reeves does Marcel Marceau "frozen and walking against the wind." Does this sound ridiculous? Trust your instincts. Neo, once he's reminded that he's Neo, must "find his mojo" again for a new generation of cyberpunk ruffians led by sprightly Bugs (Jessica Henwick), who confirms that she's named after "Bugs Bunny" and later asks, "What's up, doc?" when inquiring as to Neo's status. Though I admire a lot of things about Lana Wachowski, I guess her sense of humour isn't one of them. None of the new outlaws are well-developed, but they sure do get a lot of words to drop. Imagine that the words in this movie are like corn chowder and that with mouths full of them, these poor people let their jaws go slack and plot plot plot dribbles out as viscous, yellow drool.

Here's the truly disappointing thing about this terrible movie: the action sequences are all shot in extreme close-up and more or less unintelligible. It's like how John Badham wanted to shoot all of Saturday Night Fever's dancing in close-up and reduce it to montage whereas Travolta wanted to do it in medium and wide shots so you could, like Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly (and Jackie Chan) preferred, fully appreciate the dancers and choreography: Here, Badham wins that argument. The action in The Matrix trilogy is landmark. That highway chase in the second film? Still amazing. Compare that to how there are three or four separate instances in Matrix 4 where Neo puts up his hands to stop a barrage of bullets. It's boring. So, so boring. Early on, Morpheus gets all dizzy and the screen goes blurry and the camera starts slip-sliding around and it looks exactly like my attempts to shoot video of my dogs with my cell phone. The "bullet time" effect that slows Neo down? Dreadful. For the latest entry in a series that revolutionized the American blockbuster--largely by pilfering stuff Hong Kong action cinema had been doing for decades, often under the guidance of those films' fight choreographer, Yuen Wo-Ping--to come up this short is frankly shocking. It's this sense of absolute arrogance in every facet of the production: a script that would suffer no notes; a final product that proves no woman is an island. I think what troubles me most about this picture is the same thing that troubles me about much of the Wachowskis' post-Matrix output: its unjustifiable optimism. There's a forced "happily ever after" to Matrix 4, a Pollyannaish declaration, made bluntly, that our new gods will right everything again that is at odds with not only the dirge-like pacing and gloom of the film, but also the first movie's wise and compelling notion that we maybe don't like when things are too easy--just as I think there's a repugnant disingenuousness to promising a second chance when all evidence points to the contrary. There's such a thing as toxic positivity, and The Matrix Resurrections, out of nowhere, saves its closing line to deliver a mortal dose of it. Originally published: December 21, 2021.

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